Arizona Supreme Court: Salary Study and Analysis

Evergreen Solutions was retained by the Arizona Supreme Court to conduct a salary survey and analysis. Evergreen’s consultants conducted a market study to determine the level of salaries needed to attract and retain positions within the probation departments in 15 counties in Arizona; surveyed comparable agencies for the salary ranges and job descriptions for four position classifications (i.e., probation officer, probation officer supervisor, surveillance officer, and juvenile detention officer); identified public sector contemporaries within similar markets for sustainable, accurate, position benchmarking; and establish a competitive salary range by position classification, including the starting salaries required for each position classification in order to set competitive pay standards for Arizona’s Probation Departments. 

Lansing Community College, MI: Consulting Services – HR  

Evergreen Solutions was retained by Lansing Community College to provide Consulting Services – Human Resources. Evergreen’s consultants performed the following tasks: reviewed job descriptions, current classification definitions, current salary schedules, and the AFT union contract which may impact the study results (This also included review of division organization and staffing, as well as current personnel practices and policies that impact pay and performance); conferred with Human Resources, Executive Leadership Team and Union Leaders in order to review input regarding their views of compensation problems and needs, and to identify specific areas of concern; conferred with leaders in each of LCC’s ten divisions/work areas to better understand the nature of work performed by employees and the levels of responsibility and reporting relationships; prepared recommended pay grade and range schedules and assignments to pay grades for each class of work in the compensation plan; and provided consultation regarding job titles to ensure they are consistent within LCC and consistent with industry specific titles.