Sumter County, FL: Comprehensive Market Salary Study

Evergreen Solutions was retained by Sumter County, FL to conduct a comprehensive market salary study designed to ascertain the external equity of its compensation plan. The County desires to evaluate its competitiveness with not only the public sector, but the private sector as well. Evergreen Solutions employed a methodology that includes data from both of these critical markets and took into account the importance of total compensation including salaries, benefits, and supplements and provides recommendations for improvements as needed.

In addition, Evergreen Solutions evaluated the County’s classifications to determine if a functional combination of positions is possible or appropriate and made administrative recommendations designed to aid the County in maintaining the system over time.

Jefferson County, MO: Compensation and Classification Study

Jefferson County retained Evergreen Solutions to conduct a comprehensive compensation and classification study to analyze the County’s market competitiveness and internal equity.

Located just 40 miles southwest of the City of St. Louis, Jefferson County possesses a unique set of challenges being on the border of more rural, suburban, and even metropolitan markets. Maintaining market competitive compensation and classification plans in these environments requires special effort.

The study included comprehensive classification analysis using the Job Assessment Tool job valuation methodology in addition to a statistical assessment of current conditions. An assessment of external equity including a salary survey of competing organizations was also conducted. The project concluded with a series of findings and recommendations designed to alleviate any strains on the system and, if necessary, redesigned the existing system in place for the County.

City of Mauldin, SC: Compensation and Classification Study

The City of Mauldin retained Evergreen Solutions to provide oversight into the data collection process regarding compensation and classification as well as provide recommendations following the collection of the data for the City to transition into a purely merit-based pay system. The purpose of the study was to review the current structure that has not been updated in the last few years utilizing the position rating manual and position analysis questionnaire; review the salary survey methods and results collected from local municipalities and national IMCA data; verify overall grade placement and internal equity for the organization as a whole; ensure external equity with the marketplace; and provide oversight on transition to a performance management, merit-pay system.

As part of the study, Evergreen Solutions reviewed the materials provided by the City and gave feedback on best practices and market trends; analyzed internal equity data collected by the City and give feedback to address internal equity; reviewed salary survey data collected by the City for accuracy and provided insight regarding findings; developed the strategic position for the City utilizing collected data and desired intentions of the City; and assisted the City with developing a transition plan.

City of Branson, MO: Compensation and Classification Study

The City of Branson, Missouri retained Evergreen Solutions to conduct a comprehensive compensation and classification study to determine if the City possessed a compensation and classification system that was both equitable as compared to the external competitive employment market and equitable internally. In doing so, the City of Branson hoped to design a system that would enable them to recruit, retain, and motivate a qualified workforce as well as compensate employees at a fair, equitable and competitive rate.

The study included a complete classification analysis including a statistical assessment of internal conditions and an assessment of external equity. Specifically, Evergreen Solutions conducted a salary and benefits survey of competing organizations, reviewed and assessed current job duties in all classifications, as well as culminated a series of findings and recommendations designed to alleviate any strains on the system and, if necessary, redesigned or augmented the existing system in place at the City of Branson.

Town of Colchester, VT: Departmental Job Analysis, Classification and Efficiency Study

In September 2009, the Town of Colchester retained Evergreen Solutions to assist with an efficiency and effectiveness review of Town operations. The study included a multi-disciplinary approach to gaining input from employees, managers, elected officials, and citizens. Data was collected through employee focus groups, employee and manager surveys, manager interviews,  a community survey, employee job analysis, benchmark analysis, and process review sessions. An overall operational model was created to summarize Town operations and link employee tasks, major functional activities, key business processes, and services or programs together for all levels of the organization and analyze the value, performance and resources for each element.

The results of the model were compared to current and potential outcomes through gap analysis and a series of recommendations were created to address the current and future needs of the Town. Each recommendation was then be coupled with specific action plans, timelines, resource outcomes, and assignment of duties. In addition, the current classification structure was updated to ensure that the documented division of work matched organizational reality.

Allegany County, MD: Compensation Study for the Office of the Sheriff

Allegany County, Maryland contracted with Evergreen Solutions to conduct a comprehensive compensation study and analysis for the Office of the Sheriff. The Office of the Sheriff included the primary functional areas of Road Patrol and Correction Deputies at the county correctional facility. Evergreen Solutions understood that the Office of the Sheriff faced competitive pressure from other area law enforcement agencies and is designing a salary survey instrument for distribution to an approved list of local peers. This survey took into account total compensation, including supplemental pay, insurance benefits, retirement, leave, and other tangible benefits.

The results of this survey and the subsequently prepared report provided the County with recommendations designed to improve their competitive position and ability to recruit the best and brightest available persons for these key areas.

Denton County, TX: Comprehensive Classification, Compensation, and Benefits Study

Evergreen Solutions performed Denton County’s first Comprehensive Classification, Compensation, and Benefits Study in 15 years. The study included conducting employee orientation sessions, focus groups and interviews, as well as a job analysis for more than 1,550 Denton County employees. The study also included a comprehensive salary and benefits survey of local, regional, public, and private labor market peers, which helped Evergreen Solutions assess the County’s competitive position for wages and benefits. The data collected eventually contributed to the development of recommendations for the compensation structure and individual job classification slotting.

The content of all classification descriptions were updated, and FLSA designations and ADA compliance were reviewed. At the conclusion of the engagement, our consultants provided compensation administration guidelines and training on Evergreen Solutions’ JobForce software to provide Denton County with the tools necessary to maintain the new system.

City of Santa Fe, NM: Comprehensive Compensation and Classification Study

Evergreen Solutions was engaged by the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico to conduct a Comprehensive Compensation and Classification Study for all City employees, including non-bargaining employees and those covered by collective bargaining agreements. Evergreen Solutions worked with the City for approximately ten months to complete the work with input from the more than 1,325 City employees.

The Evergreen Solutions Team will conduct orientations and focus groups with employees, as well as interviews with department directors and other executive managers. All employees will be asked to complete Evergreen Solutions’ Job Assessment Tool, and supervisors will complete the Management Issues Tool, as needed. The data gathered through this process resulted in JAT scores for each job title, placement of each job into an internal hierarchy, and potential recommendations for revision to the current classification structure. Evergreen Solutions also worked with City Human Resources staff to conduct a comprehensive salary survey of local and regional peers. The results were reviewed in conjunction with the internal hierarchy to help generate recommendations for a comprehensive compensation and classification structure.

Finally, Evergreen provided detailed recommendations for implementation of the new structure and related employee salary adjustments. In addition to the compensation and classification components of this study, Evergreen Solutions consultants assisted the City with implementation of a revised performance assessment system. This process included the creation and distribution of performance appraisal factor weighting forms, and trainings for supervisors and staff.

Santa Fe is the capital of New Mexico, and the fourth largest city in the state with a population of more than 72,000.

In addition to the City of Santa Fe project, Evergreen Solutions provided human resources consulting services to Albuquerque Public Schools and Gadsden Independent School District in New Mexico.

City of Kalamazoo, MI: Department of Public Safety Job Analysis Study

Evergreen Solutions completed a project in which they assisted the City of Kalamazoo, Michigan with a comprehensive Job Analysis Study of all KPSOA and KPSA positions within the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety (DPS). To ensure the job analysis was accurate and relevant for future employment, transfer, and promotional testing and assessment processes, DPS personnel were involved in the job analysis research. During the course of this study, relevant personnel were requested to identify the essential knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to successfully perform each position through the completion of the Job Analysis Tool, and further information was gained through focus groups and interviews. At the completion of the study, the City of Kalamazoo was issued accurate and current job descriptions for all KPSOA and KPSA positions within the Department of Public Safety.

This was Evergreen Solutions’ first project in Michigan; however the firm has completed many similar public safety studies. The City of Kalamazoo is the largest city in southwest Michigan, with an estimated population of more than 323,000. It is the home of Western Michigan University and Kalamazoo College.

City of Newport News and the Newport News Sheriff’s Office, VA: Job Comparability Study

In August 2008, Evergreen Solutions concluded a project with the City of Newport News and the Newport News Sheriff’s Office to conduct a Job Comparability Study of selected positions. The main focus of the project was to review and evaluate Sheriff’s Department jobs utilizing job description reviews, questionnaires (where appropriate), and meetings with subject matter expert (SME) committees.

The project involved assessing the comparability of NNSO ranking positions against similar positions in the Newport News Police Department, Parks Department, and Adult Corrections Department. The structure of the Newport News Sheriff’s Office is designed in a typical paramilitary fashion, with a ranking hierarchy consisting of the following sworn classifications: Deputy I, Deputy II, Master Deputy/Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lt. Colonel, and Colonel.

Evergreen Solutions methodology for conducting the review included six major components. These components were Policies and Statutes Review, Personal Interviews, Focus Groups, Job Assessment Tool (JAT) Collection, and Personal Observations, including time spent in the following capacities: Jail Administration, Courtroom Security and Transportation, Civil Process, Booking, and Records/Classification.

As an additional element of the analysis, Evergreen Solutions conducted a market salary survey of regional sheriff’s offices to assess the competitive position of NNSO against eight regional peers. Evergreen Solutions consultants conducted a statistical analysis of the mean salary ranges at the minimum, midpoint, and maximum levels of the salary ranges within NNSO.