Evergreen Solutions was engaged with Loudoun County to conduct a Classification and Compensation Study (Phase I). Evergreen conducted a comprehensive review and evaluation of the County’s compensation philosophy and competitive market and made recommendations to retain, modify and/or change the compensation philosophy and/or competitive market. Evergreen also conducted a comprehensive review and evaluation of policies governing the County’s total compensation program (pay and benefits offerings) and classification system; benchmarked the elements of the County’s total compensation and classification program against its current competitive market and other potential competitor jurisdictions; and made recommendations to retain, modify and/or change elements of the total compensation and classification program. Evergreen further conducted a comprehensive review and an evaluation of the County’s performance plan system; benchmarked the County’s system against the job description systems of its competitive market and other potential competitor jurisdictions; and made recommendations to retain, modify, or change the current system. In the end, Evergreen provided comprehensive recommendations for modifying classification and compensation policies and procedures.